Monday, October 4, 2010

Department Headers

Hey guys. Here are the department headers that I have been working on. Thoughts? Comments?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

These are the two images the client would like to use on the mural spaces (see storefront diagram below). If we cannot get copyright to use these we may move on to creating our own reproductions of a man and a woman using these for the posture and composition.

Storefront final colours etc as completed by client - see spaces for the artwork. The signage is flexible.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Window sticker


fruit and veg



home and lifestyle





Julia- Signage

Taryn- Wall typography, stationery (including newsletter), greeting cards

Andrea- Cookbook

Victoria- Kids Illustration

ALL- In-house packaging

ALL- Counter wrap

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Possible Design Components

- Window sticker
- Store signage (Departments etc)
- Packaging for In-house products (body lotions, soaps etc)
- Counter wrap sticker
- Brochures/cards
- Greeting cards
- Cook Book


Key words:

- Organic Oasis
- Farmers
- Country
- Local Produce
- Chemical & Pesticide free
- Roots/ seeds
- Trees
- Wood
- Healing
- Community
- Journey
- Fresh
- Health/ Healthy planet